Wednesday, August 22, 2012

4 Year Check-up!

K&C had their 4 year check-up & it went well.  We separated into 2 room so they could not see what was coming!  While they did not appreciate the 4 shots in their legs, the good news is no more until kindergarten!

Keegan: Height 40 inches and 38 lbs. He grew 3 inches since his last check-up & and 7 pounds. He loves Ninjagos, wrestling with Charlie everywhere, including grocery store aisles, playing Candyland and of course Izzy.

Charlie: Height 39 inches 35 lbs. He grew 3 inches and gained 6 pounds.  Charlie loves matchbox cars, creating obstacle courses, destroying Keegan's Ninjagos, and the latest fad collecting leaves & rocks as your birthday presents. 

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