Monday, December 31, 2012

New Years Eve 2012!

We decide to travel to Michigan with the Jordans to visit Dan's friend Scott and his girlfriend Jess. It was lots of laughs, great food at Tosi's and good times.  The only disappointment was the snow belt had no snow!  I was looking forward to seeing it on the drive :(

As 2012 drew to to an end, I could not help but feel blessed. The boys are so sweet and get funnier each day! We love our family & friends and cannot wait to see what 2013 has in store for us.

Friday, December 28, 2012

Snow Day 2!

Since Charlie missed the first snow day by napping, we headed out for round 2 of snowmen, sledding and snow ball fights!

We had to improvise for sledding. One good thing about city plows 'forgetting' our neighborhood - the streets are covered in ice!
Charlie bear's snow angel!
Our snow family...
 Keegan ready for a snowball fight.

Wednesday, December 26, 2012


We finally go our first big snow! I was SUPER excited for Keegan & Charlie to play outside.  Keegan was ready & Charlie decided to nap instead!

Keegan is in his 'Randy' Christmas Story pose!
 So sweet...
 The snowball fight begins...
 Ready, Aim...
My snow angel!
 Our first snowman!
 The two snow lovers: Keegan & Mommy!
More snow angels...
 Sled racing!

Christmas Day 2012!

Keegan was the first one up on Christmas Day but was sweet enough to let us sleep in until 7am!  We opened presents, played for awhile & then headed to Marion to spend the day with the Pickett family.

One of the first things Keegan noticed was the tree & wanted to know where are stockings were.
Then that Santa ate his cookies and reindeer nibbled their carrots!
 We then woke up daddy & Charlie to find...bikes!
 Very happy with cars, cars and board games!
 My attempt at an annual photo if front of the tree.
 More cars at Nana's...
 Sydney & Keegan patiently waiting to open presents!
 Charlie's new Buckeye hat!
 Keegan loves Brutus!
 Riley and Nana opening gifts!

Monday, December 24, 2012

Christmas Eve!

We spent Christmas Eve in Mt. Vernon with the Evert family!  We had a great day with family, food, competitive Christmas Bingo, and Logo board game.

Jake joined us for our road trip - he did not want to miss his last day with us.
Keegan ready to battle his cousins!
 Keegan in Izzy's cage...
 Now Cooper...
 And Charlie!
 Cousins getting ready for Bingo...
 Interesting!  Add your own caption here...My uncle Bob's face is priceless!
 My Christmas present!
 Charlie pondering life and what presents Santa will bring.
 Great Uncles and our sweet boys!
 Keegan sporting a mustache.

Friday, December 21, 2012

First Snow!

Just in case this was our only chance to  play in the snow, we sent the boys down the drive way!

Monday, December 17, 2012

Christmas Fun!

We have had a very fun last few days: gingerbread houses, presents from the boys and tonight - cookies!

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Adopt a Senior Secret Santa!

For the last 5 years I have had the opportunity to help coordinate a Chase sponsored charity event to benefit senior citizens in the Central Ohio area.  2012 was another wonderful year!  Chase adopted 647 of the neediest seniors, who for most this will be there only Christmas gift.  What a wonderful feeling & cause!

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Holman Christmas Celebration!

My wonderful girlfriend, Debby,  hosted a kids Christmas party complete with Santa!  The boys has a great time frosting cookies, making ornaments, snapping photos int he photo booth and of course visiting with Santa! 

Dan visiting with Santa and he even won prize fro the best Christmas sweater!
Beautiful Tree!
 Me & Debby celebrating!

Friday, December 7, 2012

Baby Sprecher is Here!

We are so happy to be apart of the welcome for baby Lyla!  I could not be happier for Marla & Chad.  Keegan & Charlie's newest girlfriend arrived Friday, December 7th at 4:09 am.  She weighed 6.15 lbs and was 20 inches long!