Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Carter's 8th Birthday!

Due the Carpenter's summer baseball schedule, we celebrated Carter's birthday at the ball park!
 Keegan enjoying his cupcake!
 Charlie deciding if he is going to eat it or not - he chose not!

2011 Mt.Vernon Minor League City Champs

I am so proud of my nephew Carson and Dan.  Carpenter DDS are regular season champs and they won the City League tournament.  This is Dan's 2nd year coaching Carson's team  - he loves it and Carson loves having a "dedicated" family member at each game.

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Summer Concerts!

Bon Jovi: We went to see Bon Jovi with Tiffany & Kirk on May 10th.  Our seats were high but did not lack adventure: #1 super fan in spandex and should not have been; texting teenager that did not watch one minute of a show with his mom; and an almost fight for standing at a concert - how dare they!
Kenny Chesney: We went to the concert with Marla & Chad on June 25th at Crew Stadium.  The weather was perfect, the concert was awesome & there was some interesting people watching!
The Sprechers!

Friday, June 24, 2011

Father's Day 2011

Dan celebrated Father's Day with the boys watching the Cubs & eating pizza! They has great time while I was enjoying  the beach with my mom for a few days.
Oh, Myrtle Beach I wish I was still there!
On my last day of vacation, we headed to a perfect day at the zoo!  The weather was cool and no one was there. Charlie checking out the tiger.
 He found another one in the bushes!
 Since there was no crowds, the boys discovered all the various statues & wanted to ride them all!
 Keegan jumped on the elephant backwards - funny!
 There you go!
 Now the pigs...
 and Lizard...
 and finally we rode the TRAIN!!
 Dan was taunting these Mexican wolves with Charlie & they really, really wanted to get them!

Sunday, June 19, 2011

DC for the day!

Dan got to experience a once in a lifetime opportunity. He travelled with my grandpa, uncles and cousins to see to the WWII and Korean War memorials in Washington, DC.  Dan said it was a very emotionally trip: hearing my grandpa's stories & seeing complete strangers thank him and take their photo with him.  I am so happy my grandpa & family made the trip. 

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Having Fun!

Charlie loves building "things" and this is super proud face...
This is what he "built" while I was changing his sheets - a stock pile of cars that reached all the way to the floor! 
Our new favorite game - pretend sleeping!
 Now Charlie's turn.

Friday, June 10, 2011

Daddy's Helpers!

Keegan being the great helper he always is - helping daddy wash the truck.
 While Charlie is looking at ants!!!!

Tuesday, June 7, 2011


Well, we are hoping summer is here to stay!  The boys love baseball and have had their first popsicle of the summer.
Look at that game face & stance on Keegs!
 Ugh - the boys are finally looking & daddy is on his phone!
Yeah - everyone looking!
 Look at those sticky footprints on the drive - bathtime!
 Vampire Keegan