Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Lucky Charms are 7 months

Our Lucky Charms are 7 months old and getting big. Here you see them in their St. Patrick's Day outfits minus their green beers! Daddy took care of those for them. We think this if the first picture taken of them both smiling at the same time.
The boys are getting so big and doing more and more things. Keegan now lays on the floor and goes in circles. He is like a Human Sun Dial. His appetite is huge, you can barely feed him fast enough without him wanting more. He loves his oatmeal and orange veggies and fruit.
Charlie isn't quite crawling but he is all over the place. He likes to commando and barrel roll everywhere to get to a place or items. He doesn't quite have the same appetite as his brother. He always gives you that look when you put the spoon in his mouth. Hey, what is that? Then he digs into it.
Both boys are sleeping through the night and getting a full 10-12 hrs/night. Keegan still loves to wake up and jump into bed with Daddy. The boys have started to recognize one another and give each other a big smile. There are times when you pick up one the other gets jealous and wonders why he didn't get picked up.
We are so thankful and blessed to have these little boys in our lives. Everyday there is something new and exciting. They are starting to pick up on things and its truly amazing to see!

Thursday, March 5, 2009

One year ago...

It was almost like it was yesterday. So I thought I would share this video again of us announcing to our family that we were expecting. It was a long roller coaster pregnancy, however in the end it was all worth it!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009


We took the boys to get their 6 month pictures taken and they came out really good. It was a tough day as the boys didn't want to pay attention to the camera. As you can see, they were both fascinated with the sponge.
However, she was able to snap this one with them both looking. As we took SpongeBob out of the equation.
 This is our favorite picture of of Keegan so far! We were trying for the longest time to get that finger out of Keegan's mouth. The photographer snapped this pic of Keegan anyways and it came out awesome!!!
And then there is Charlie. When the camera is on his smile disappears. He make look like his Mommy but sometimes has the attitude of Daddy.

Cousin Sara visits...

The boys got a nice surprise from Chicago the other night. No, it wasn't the Chicago Cubs, Daddy wishes! It was Cathy's cousin Sara. She was in town for business and was able to stop by to see the boys. They were on their best behavior for her. As you can see, Keegan enjoyed sitting in her lap. Hopefully, the boys will see more of Sara including this summer on vacation.

Fort Keegan

One of Keegan's favorite things right now is when Daddy builds him a fort. Right before bedtime every night Keegan and Daddy play on the bed and build forts together. Keegan just loves to be surrounded by pillows and hide inside. Probably to get away from his brother Charlie! Look at that smile, so cute!
I see camping in the boys future with their Daddy.

6 months and growing

Here we are 6 months old and growing! We are getting so big and are able to do lots of things we couldn't do before. Soon we will be crawling and walking, oh joy!

Veggie Tales

This is the boys first experience with veggies. Before now they boys have only been used to formula and cereal. The Doctor gave us the okay to start giving them veggies after their 6 month check up. As you can tell Keegan wasn't thrilled with the idea of having veggies, just like his father.
Charlie got more on his face than in his mouth.
Keegan just wanted the whole experience to be over!


It happened so fast, but it was like in slow-motion. Daddy placed Charlie on the changing table in a sitted position. When all of the sudden Charlie takes a header into the edge of the table. Daddy felt horrible and hoped Charlie would forgive him. We learn from our mistakes!

The Boys

Here are the boys, big and small pretending they are in the WWE. The twins both seem to love horsing around with each other.

Keegan and his Birdie

Here is a quick video of Keegan in his exer-saucer which he loves to play in. The exer-saucer has this little birdie that goes up and down when you pull it. Keegan loves to see and hear that little birdie go up and down. He just lets out the biggest giggle. Its so sweet!

Keegan at 6 months

KeeganLikes: I really like eating. I can pound down my cereal and veggies. I also really enjoy my exer-saucer. There is this birdie on there that goes up and down. I love it and it makes me giggle and giggle. My favorite thing right now is when Daddy builds me a fort and I go inside and play.
Dislikes: Waiting on my brother. When I get my jammies on or have a diaper change I am ready to go! I don't have time for Mommy or Daddy to change Charlie.
Working on: I need to catch up to my brother, he is already rolling over and is almost ready to crawl. I need to hurry up and figure that out.

Charlie at 6 months

Likes: I love to rollover and over and over! I am only days away from crawling. I also love my exer-saucer. I can play in that thing all day. I also like our family time on the bed everynight. I get to play with my Mommy and Daddy before I go to bed.

Dislikes: I still don't like my acid reflux. It still hurts me.

Working on: I am working on crawling, it should be any day now. I've managed to go in reverse, I just need to put it in drive.