Tuesday, October 21, 2008

We are two months old!

Weight: 11.11 lbs
Height: 22 inches
I enjoy relaxing in my boppy and eating.
I'm currently working on sleeping in my crib longer and wrapping my Nana's around my finger with my smile.

Weight: 10.12 lbs
Height: 21 inches
I enjoy smiling and watch Baby Einstein for about 30 seconds.
I'm currently working on blowing raspberries & sticking out my tongue.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

The Great Pumpkin......

Its finally Fall here in Ohio, Cathy's favorite season! Pumpkins, changing of colors, hay rides, cider and football. We decided to take the boys to a local pumpkin patch for them to get their first pumpkin. While we were there we were able to get some pictures of the boys picking out their pumpkins.

Here you see Keegan with his festive pumpkin hat and Halloween outfit.
And there is Charlie, he has his owl hat on with his Halloween outfit too.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

It wouldn't be possible...

You have heard us say many times we loved our Doctors who helped us through the pregnancy. We are both totally grateful for everything these two have done for us and our family! We will always be in debt to Dr. Thomas Harmon and Dr. Matt Mingione!

Like Father, Like Son

Well we aren't sure who Charlie looks like but we have a pretty good idea Keegan looks like his Daddy! What do you all think?