Friday, April 29, 2011

5 Year Anniversary!

We celebrated our 5th anniversary at La Familia with the Brunson and Wills families!  Mark & Pam were nice enough to watch all 5 kids so we could enjoy dinner.  We had a great time at dinner & more laughs than we could handle on the way home.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

First Plane Ride!

We had our first family vacation via airplane!  We travelled to Texas to visit Dan's family and had a chance to see my girlfriend Kati & her family! We had a great time visiting, celebrating 2 birthdays and our 5 year anniversary!

The boys looking out the window at our plane and playing with their planes that match!
Keegan being such a big boy!  Once the DVD player started - he did not move.  His only issue was with TSA when they made him take his shoes off!
 Charlie being so sweet.  He was good but needed to be entertained during the entire flight: up, down, up, down!
 Upon landing we made our way to see real live woo-woos with cousin Cleve, a Fort Worth firefigther! Charlie loved every minute but Keegan was not too sure.
 Charlie learning to use a fire hose with the help of his cousins, Bryson & Macie!
 Firefighter Charlie!
The boys trying to figure out if they can drive this rig!
Just hanging out on the woo-woo - Keegan would not participate!

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Easter 2011

Easter weekend was fun-filled!  We spent Saturday in Marion with Dan's family & even saw the sun for the egg hunt!  On Sunday, we went to Mt. Vernon and it was raining & freezing!

The egg hunt begins!
 Charlie spying his first egg!
 Hello is there anything in here?
 Sorting through their loot!
The Mt. Vernon Gang
 Bob freezing & Owen stealing all the little kids eggs.
 The adult egg hunters in the rain with no coats!
 Charlie smiling becasue he thinks he is actually going to be allowed to eat this - wrong!

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Family Date Night!

Yum! We went out for a family dinner and shopping last night.  Here is a picture of Keegan thoroughly enjoying his roll - Charlie would not participate in any photo sessions.  I had a great time and love hanging out with my boys!

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Charlie and his "Cool" Skills!

Charlies LOVES lining up his car or staking them.  He always says, "cool mommy, cool!" and requests that I get the camera! ha, ha!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Bunny Cookies

Dan told Keegan that he had cookies with a rabbits on them fro their treat - Keegan would not eat it saying, "no bunny, no bunny!"