Tuesday, October 12, 2010

2 Years Old!

We cannot believe the boys are 2! The time really has gone so fast. Keegan and Charlie are so smart & of course adorable. They both love looking at the moon, playing with daddy, and snuggling with mommy. I am not sure if we have officially entered the terrible two's because they have always had each other to fight with, steal from and torment - ha, ha! However, we do not eat at restaurants anymore :)

Charlie loves the alphabet, counting, cars (if Keegan will let him have any), and puzzles. Charlie also has an obsession with airplanes. If anything is slightly scary, he is about to get into trouble, or if we are trying to make him do anything he does not want to his instant response is a panicked, "Airplane, Airplane, Airplane". My guess is he thinks will stop to comfort him which of course we are happy to do, unless it is time out time.
Keegan L-O-V-E-S playing with matchbox cars and would for hours if we would let him! He also loves Elmo, MiMi (Mickey & Minnie), America's Most Funniest Videos and unfortunately Family Guy. He especially loves wrestling and chasing Charlie & we are hopeful that one day Charlie will like it too!
Next up transition to our toddler beds and potty training.  We are looking forward to the next year! 
The kiss!!!

1 comment:

Alicia Brunson said...

So so precious! Can't wait to see them again!