Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Texas Adventure

During our visit to TX, we stayed with Dan's cousin Alicia and her family.  They have a beautiful new home with a lot of space to ride the gator!
Big cousin Bryson was an awesome drive & the boys loved it!
 Bryson driving our two sweet cousins: Macie & Ramona 
 I could not tell if they were being sweet or if this was a prelude to a fight?!?!
 Bathtime: Look at those ornery faces!
 Cousins in jammies!
 Who knew you could have so much fun at a sporting good store, Cabela's? 
This picture was followed by a very sweet moment with Charlie.  He said is his sweetest voice, "Mommy, please. Please can I have one?"  Me: "Have one what?" Charlie: "Please can I have a polar bear?"

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