Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Lucky Charms are 7 months

Our Lucky Charms are 7 months old and getting big. Here you see them in their St. Patrick's Day outfits minus their green beers! Daddy took care of those for them. We think this if the first picture taken of them both smiling at the same time.
The boys are getting so big and doing more and more things. Keegan now lays on the floor and goes in circles. He is like a Human Sun Dial. His appetite is huge, you can barely feed him fast enough without him wanting more. He loves his oatmeal and orange veggies and fruit.
Charlie isn't quite crawling but he is all over the place. He likes to commando and barrel roll everywhere to get to a place or items. He doesn't quite have the same appetite as his brother. He always gives you that look when you put the spoon in his mouth. Hey, what is that? Then he digs into it.
Both boys are sleeping through the night and getting a full 10-12 hrs/night. Keegan still loves to wake up and jump into bed with Daddy. The boys have started to recognize one another and give each other a big smile. There are times when you pick up one the other gets jealous and wonders why he didn't get picked up.
We are so thankful and blessed to have these little boys in our lives. Everyday there is something new and exciting. They are starting to pick up on things and its truly amazing to see!

1 comment:

Alicia Brunson said...

I need a copy of this one for my fridge...hint hint