This was the boys second year to go out and get goodies for Mommy and Daddy. Cousins, Ninja Cooper and recently released Carter Sizemore, came along for some good grub.
Keegan is a big fan of the movie Rio. Absolutely loves Blue, so when we found a costume that looked similar to Blue, it was a must have.
Is that Charlie or his alias Spot? Charlie loves going around the house pretending to be a dog named Spot, hence his chossen costume.
Blue spreading his wings telling everyone he wants to go "that way!!!"
Spot with the biggest smile because of all the candy he accumulated. Little does he know, he won't be getting that much of it.
Ninja Cooper holds up his sword telling people to back off, its his candy and you don't wanna make a ninja angry.
Blue and Spot down the home stretch with buckets full of yummy candy. They had such a great time trick or treating. Mommy and Daddy were very proud of their two boys as they were very polite.
The boys were so into the trick or treating that they didn't want the night to end, so we handed out candy to other goblins in the neighborhood.